The costly lifestyle at university which means I am paying for things I have never paid for before such as washing means that I am heavily reliant on the money I had saved before I arrived. I am therefore worried that once I finish university I will have no savings to rely on when I want to buy a house or car or anything else. Of course I could get a job to gain money that I can put back into my savings but this will equally worry me because it will leave me with less time to spend working on my degree. I am also worried about organising my money efficiently in order to be afford necessities such as printing, textbooks, food and also social things such as alcohol, Uber’s, and club fees (before corona virus of course. In order to overcome these worries I have been given quite a few good pieces of advice. First of all this is to have two bank accounts, one for necessities and one for luxuries such as paying for my social life and buying clothes that I want. This enables me to ensure that I proportion my monthly money and don’t have to compromise in one area. In order to solve my worry regarding savings, I was advised to create a savings account and at the end of each month before I am given my next monthly amount of money from my parents, to transfer any remaining money into the savings account. This means that I can gradually build up some kind of savings although the amount that I transfer varies depending on how much I have spent in the month. Combining these two tips means that my worries have become manageable and do not materialise into real life issues.
Saffron S